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  About Paul Hubbert

   Endorsements & Healing Stories

"Dearest Paul, Words cannot express the thanks in my heart for this work. The healing and creative potential available through the use of the Holographic Sound Healing (H. S. H.), modality is limitless. It was also a 'fun' workshop, as The Hathors bring such joyfulness and play to the table. Since the workshop, I was asked if I was an angel, have had greater depth to many conversations and find H. S. H. provides a lovely outlet for my care and compassion. Thank you for having the courage and trust to offer this beautiful healing technique to others. Peace and Blessings Always,"
Karlene - Connecticut, USA

"I found the meditation last night to be super healing. I can't even to describe all of the different layers but I will say that I felt Hathors. Thank you for your work and the great journey and experience we all get to share through your sound therapy. We are so lucky to have you here in Austin!"
Barbi C. - Austin, TX, USA

"Paul Hubbert's Holographic Sound Healing Class was such a positive learning and re-enforcing experience for me. I learned new techniques that are advancing my healing abilities. I learned the technical terms for sounds I was already experiencing. The class materials and exercises gave me the courage to explore and utilize sound healing techniques both in meditation groups and with clients immediately after completion of class. Paul's gentle nature and sense of humor created a climate that was safe to learn and experiment in. I highly recommend this class for anyone seeking to learn more about sound healing and the Hathors. (I am a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, as well as a Level II Melchizedek Method practitioner/teacher.) Blessings, Peace, and Love,"
Edie J. - Connecticut, USA

"After trying many therapeutic modalities to treat long-standing, childhood grief, I was intensely moved and impressed with the results of taking the Life Enrichment Training. Despite years of traditional talk therapy, hypnotherapy and energetic massage, I was skeptical about trying one more thing. However, as a direct result of taking Paul's workshop, I've moved through and finally transcended some tough childhood issues. I'm truly grateful for the work that you do. Thanks for helping me make the changes!"
Marie A. - Texas, USA

"Greetings Dear Friends, I would like to acknowledge the inspiring work, dedication and spiritual focus that Paul displays within his Healing workshops, very powerful."
Alton Kamadon - Australia

"Paul's work with sound vibration is awesome. His toning and crystal bowl music sends you right into spirit - healing tones that delight the body and soul." 
Marcia Dale Lopez, Ph.D. - New York

"Dear Paul, The Holographic Sound Healing workshop was empowering, energizing and healing. Through the guidance and love of the 'Collective Masters', I have journeyed and arrived. Learning and awareness were given and received on so many levels, that for the first time in my life I feel whole and complete. My daily life, both as a human being and a healer, is nothing less than a spiritual adventure! Combining this wonderful healing gift with Reiki, has brought a new dynamic power and intensity to my healing sessions. The results have been inspiring! Spiritually, I am lovingly surrounded and supported at all times and my spiritual path has become clear to me. I thank you and all the 'Collective Masters' for this powerful loving gift and a very special 'Thank You' to The Hathors. With Love, Respect and Prayerful Wishes,"
Edward W.D., HSH Practitioner/Reiki Master - Connecticut, USA

"Hello, my name is Ann and I am an adult child of an alcoholic, and a very grateful member of Alanon. I have worked the twelve step programs for over 25 years, had both private and group therapy sessions and all have helped me in my personal healing. But, the experiential techniques and process of Paul's Alchemy of Healing workshop is the most powerful healing experience I have ever had to this day. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend you do this workshop. It will change your life. Thank you so much."
Ann - AB, Cananda

"Paul, I have to thank you once again for the spiritual energy healing sessions you have done with me. Last month when two different mammograms showed several lumps in my left breast, I was disturbed, but not distraught, as I had every confidence that you would be able to help. Six days after you did my healing session I went for the scheduled ultra-sound so the radiologist could determine exactly what type of lumps I had and make his recommendations for treatment. Imagine his amazement and my delight as he searched and searched for the lumps and couldn't find any. He called in a second technician and still no luck. He stood with the mammogram x-ray in one hand showing lumps, and the ultra sound wand in the other, showing no lumps. As the ultra sound is far more sensitive than the x-ray, he knew they were gone. He just shook his head. He said if it had only been 1 lump he could understand it might have disappeared, but not 3 or 4. He said, "Have you taken some new miracle drug or cure?" I smiled and said "no drugs!" Thank you so much for dedicating your life to benefit us through your teaching and healing."
Leslie M. - Vancouver, Canada

"For over 20 years I have suffered frequent pains from the liver as a result of damage to this vital organ. At a weekend workshop facilitated by Paul Hubbert, using crystal bowls and other sounds, I became willing to release this history. On a following day I received a personal healing from Paul and have never been bothered by pain since. Paul, with humility and love, is able to bring his client into a state of "Grace" during a healing session. A year has gone by and I am so grateful to be still free of pain. God Bless you, Paul"
Ashleigh R - BC, Canada

"Paul, I wanted to make you aware of the wonderful comments I have heard from several persons who attended your "Life Enrichment Training" workshop that you conducted here at the Church. These were unsolicited comments that various people provided, suggesting that this spiritual experience was one they would want others they care about to be exposed to as well. We are grateful for your presence - and know that you will be bringing spiritual understanding and enlightenment to countless numbers of persons in the months and years to come."
Rev. Ronald F. Scott, Minister - Unity Church of the Hills, Austin, TX, USA

"I heard just a few minutes of Paul's work and could feel it rippling through me. It was amazing! Truly a resonance. Felt like water to a dehydrated soul. So, I attended his workshop and the evening concert ... you could feel the shift deep inside happening as the crystal bowls in the hands of a master reminded You of where to resonate. Leigh"
Leigh B. 

"I did a couple of sound healings last week and the recipients were amazed at the results. Both were in a training I was holding and dealing with headaches. One was done remotely and I could feel her headache and feel it dissipating, it was awesome! Thank you for this powerful work. I am so thankful to have been a part of your training."
Tressa V.

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